

New forms of matter physics

New forms of matter in physics

    The man has shaped stone, bone, wood, clay, metal and progressive ... But it was not until the twentieth century that creates new forms of matter, and to perform a function. Having understood the movement of electrons in germanium (or silicon), John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain and William B. Schockley imettent developed in 1948 the transistor - small amplifier device - which

will allow to handle a large number of signals and make possible the development of computing. Having understood (from Einstein's work) mitigation mechanisms and light amplification, Arthur L. Schawlow and Charles H. Townes 1958 to create an amplifying medium of light, the laser, which will lead to both microsurgery as optical fibers, and from there to the Internet. More recently R. B. Meyer, working on the symmetry of molecular arrangements, invents, on paper, a new state of matter, called smectic C * - which will perhaps LCD televisions of the future. A few months after Meyer had laid down the principle, chemists produce this new material.

        Our future will rely more on rational constructions of this kind: transport systems to deliver a drug to the body; son will manufacture superconductors generators, transformers, and perhaps power lines without losses, "smart" materials that can eg detect internal damage to an airplane wing, locate, and finally trigger a repair mechanism, like our bones know how to do after a fracture.

            Western society claims progress especially on two points: the health and quality of life. It is clear that soft chemistry processes will replace, increasingly, those of classical chemistry, as inventions purely fun as windsurfing (remarkable use of new materials and performance) will increase, as new forms power will emerge, as artificial organs are increasingly available.

           But keep a cool head. Some technical challenges remain out of reach and many of our beautiful little inventions relate the Third World.

       Let us well, too, that every invention contains in itself the worst and the best. Officials here are political. If India and Pakistan make bombs rather than building hospitals or schools, it is because these countries have chosen. The invention is proper to man, but it is positive if it is managed by a company lucid.

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